JUNE 18, 2020

A Message from our Superintendent 

 Colonial's Focus on Equity

Since 2016, The Colonial School District  (CSD) began taking a hard look at race and equity. Statistics show the experiences of black and brown students are not the same as white students and our team of administrators and teachers do not reflect our largely Black and Brown student population. 
To provide the best outcomes for all students, CSD established the following groups to focus on equity: 

Educators of Color (EOC-Est. 2016)
Who: Teachers, Administrators, Public Information Officer (PIO), Media Specialist
Primary Focus: recruiting and retention of Teachers of Color
District Leadership Equity Focus (Est. Summer 2018)
Who: District, Division and School-based administrators 
Primary Focus: Develop skills at facilitating conversations about race and equity
District Leadership Council (Est. Summer 2019)
Who: Superintendent’s Council
Primary Focus: Deep dive into racial conversations, data discovery, book studies
Nutrition Equity Team (Est. Fall 2019)
Who: Nutrition Workers and EOC members
Primary Focus: Support our diverse school population through menu choices and options 
Educators Practitioner Program (Est. Winter 2019)(EPP)
Who: Teachers
Primary Focus: Gives educators the skills and resources to engage others with equity work.  A goal is to advance the equity work
District Equity Team (Est. Winter 2020)
Who: Teachers, Administrators, PIO
Primary Focus: Develop a deep understanding of race and its relationship to equitable practices and outcomes for all learners, assess the needs of programs, departments, schools, and the organization as a whole as related to race and equity work, create a Colonial School District Equity Plan to guide our focus and work, support school leaders in leading equity work at the building level in the coming months and years, lead staff in organizing efforts to infuse institutional change within Colonial.
Transportation Equity Team (Est. Winter 2020)

Who: Transportation Administrators and workers, along with EOC members
Primary Focus: Determine a role for transportation workers with our equity work (only had one meeting due to COVID-19)

All group participants agree there is no quick fix but believe the intentional focus on equity is a great first step for CSD. In addition to the focus groups, CSD also established a new position, Director of Talent Development, which will be headed by Jennifer Alexander, the former principal of Pleasantville Elementary School. Among other things, Alexander’s goal is to recruit the most qualified minority teachers she can find to educate Colonial students. “Colonial is a district that believes our students deserve role models who look like them. Our district is committed to proving the resources, support, and professional development to grow teachers so they can acquire the skills necessary to provide instruction to meet the needs of ALL students,” she says.

Colonial is Planning Ahead

As mentioned in Dr. Menzer’s message, the Colonial School District now has a Strategic Planning Team that is tasked with sustaining the Power of WE.  This team will develop a five-year plan that will be a roadmap for the future of the district. It will include fine-tuning the district’s mission, vision, core values, and beliefs, along with outlining top priorities and goals. In the future, public sessions will be scheduled because input from Colonial families, the community, and key stakeholders is imperative. This important work is underway because making the Colonial District the very best for students and staff remains a top priority! 

Free Summer Fun & Learning Opportunities

CSD Elementary Summer Learning Program

#WEread for FUN! (And love math too!)
To help our youngest students build a love of reading, Colonial is excited to offer an engaging and enriching learning opportunity for students entering 1st to 5th grade during the 2020-21 school year.   Participating students will receive a picture book(s) or a novel, an activity choice board, and creative materials that will be used during #WEread for FUN.  (July 6th to August 6th).
Students will have the option of participating in a daily Zoom session (30-45 minutes) with a Colonial teacher that connects them with other students reading the same book.  The teacher will also provide engaging and fun ELA and Math activities that they can complete throughout the day.   As a parent, you can decide if your child participates in the choice board activities at home, the zoom lessons, or everything being offered to extend their learning this summer!  

CLICK HERE if you’re interested in having your child participate in our summer enrichment opportunity #WEread for FUN! Please enroll by June 19th. 

Middle School Tyler’s Camp

Starting on July 6th and finishing on August 6th, SummerCollab will be offering virtual programming for rising 6th and 7th-grade students in Colonial School District. We will be providing live instruction in literacy and social-emotional learning each day while also providing access to an online portal where students will be able to access a range of enrichment content. These can be anything from art, dance, fitness, and STEM.

Register here by June 12th-(English) (Spanish)

 Castle Hills and Eisenberg Summer Programs

Open to students Entering 1st-5th grade at Castle Hills & Eisenberg in the 2020-21 School Year. Starting on July 6th and finishing on August 6th, the Colonial School District and partners (SummerCollab, PAL, and UD/4H) are excited to be able to provide a  virtual summer program for Castle Hills and Eisenberg students. Starting on July 6th and finishing on August 6th, We are coordinating a Virtual Summer Camp! 

Register online at https://form.jotform.com/93345373139158

Student & Family Wellness Series, by Dr. Jon Cooper

Welcome back!

Last week, we shared information about the importance of “finding the right balance of structure and flexibility.”  This week, we are sharing information about the value of behavioral activation planning.  As you go about starting your summer, we hope that you find the information below helpful.


Behavioral Activation Planning 
Using Physical Activity to Feel Better Mentally:
One of the best ways to take care of your mental health is by building physical activity into your days. This coping skill is sometimes called Behavioral Activation. Getting active for at least 15 minutes through sports, dance, exercise, or anything that gets your heart rate up, helps interrupt the cycle of inactivity, improves energy, and can offer an important sense of accomplishment.  

Tips for Success

 Don’t wait to feel motivated. Stress and fatigue can lower motivation, making exercise feel impossible. Trust that when you get moving, the energy will find you and you will feel better! 

• Start where you are and do what you can – this is not about competing with anyone; it’s about feeling good. 

• Accept that your resources and energy may be depleted and that small steps do make a difference. 

• Try to do activities that feel enjoyable (or used to, even if they don’t right now). 

• Get creative. You can get active outside or in different areas of your home (walking stairs, home exercise programs, virtual dance classes, yoga videos). 

• Be consistent. Stick to your activity plan and you will see it will become a habit that feels good! 

Colonial Clippings Update

Due to the upcoming July 4th holiday, and the start of summer, Colonial Clippings will be taking a two-week hiatus. We will resume our Thursday delivery on July 9th.

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