Valor Christian High School
Email Subscription Preferences
Enrolled Students and Parents:  You are on the list to receive essential information by email from Valor. In addition, you may choose to receive updates about any of the topics listed below. It is recommended that at least one person in your household subscribes to the Valor Weekly email news.
Alumni, Grandparents and Friends: You are welcome and encouraged to select any of the topics listed below. 

• ACADEMICS: Current programs, new developments in STEM, college admissions, support services and more
• ALUMNI: News, events, resources, alumni profiles and more 
• ARTS+MEDIA: Performances, ticketing, special events, Conservatory and more 
• ATHLETICS: Sports scores, athlete profiles, college recruiting and more 
• DISCOVERY: Local, national and international service experiences, student profiles and more   
• STEM Endorsement Program: Clubs, activities, and stories of opportunities for students and families interested in STEM

 • VALOR WEEKLY: School-wide news, events, student profiles, school leadership communications and more 
• YOUTH CAMPS & PROGRAMS: Opportunities for elementary and middle school students
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